
Mgr. Silvia Bágeľová Poláková, PhD.


  • Brillouin Light Scattering Microspectroscopy for Biological and Biomedical Research and Applications.
    Program: COST
    Duration: 28. 2. 2017 – 27. 2. 2021


  • Functional analyses of TOR signaling pathway in the regulation of abiotic stress response in the fission yeast
    Program: SRDA
    Duration: 1. 7. 2023 – 30. 6. 2027
  • Elucidation of the function of selected genes in meiotic division in the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe
    Program: VEGA
    Duration: 1. 1. 2023 – 30. 12. 2026
  • The role of DNA repair proteins in gene repression
    Program: SRDA
    Duration: 1. 7. 2022 – 30. 6. 2026
  • Post-translational regulation of pre-mRNA splicing factors
    Program: SRDA
    Duration: 1. 7. 2021 – 30. 6. 2024
  • Interactions of mitochondrial genomes
    Program: VEGA
    Duration: 1. 1. 2020 – 31. 12. 2023
  • Functional analysis of new proteins required for meiotic recombination.
    Program: VEGA
    Duration: 1. 1. 2019 – 31. 12. 2022
  • The role of homologous recombination in chromatin structure
    Program: DoktoGrant
    Duration: 1. 1. 2022 – 31. 12. 2022
  • Dbl2 protein as a novel regulator of genome stability and dynamics in fission yeast
    Program: SRDA
    Duration: 1. 7. 2019 – 30. 6. 2022
  • Regulation of the Swi5-Sfr1 complex by protein phosphorylation.
    Program: SRDA
    Duration: 1. 7. 2018 – 30. 6. 2022
  • Unravelling the mechanisms of post-translational regulation of RNA splicing factors in maintenance of genome integrity
    Program: SRDA
    Duration: 1. 7. 2017 – 30. 6. 2021
  • -
    Program: VEGA
    Duration: 1. 1. 2016 – 31. 12. 2019
  • Characterization of novel genes involved in meiotic chromosome segregation.
    Program: SASPRO
    Duration: 1. 4. 2015 – 31. 3. 2018